Clipperseep was very excited to learn that I was at Bandung when she called to wish me Happy Birthday last 2 weeks. I received an email from her to describe in detail what Bandung was like.
Let me tell you this. 3 days and 2 nights were not enough. 3 nights? Maybe.
We turned down an invite to the nearby HotSpring cos I said I came here to shop. So, off we went. I was lucky that I had Ayu's list of Factory Outlets to attack, when, how and what. We went to Rumah Mode and I was plesantly suprised. It didn't look factory at all. It looked like a very posh place. I loike!
Found a lot of work shirts and non-work shirts for me. Things were at least 75% off prices in KL. Like I get Liz Clairborne's shirt for about RM30-35 when it would've cost me at least RM100 here. And the sizes were kind to me. M fits me perfectly, even with room to spare. Elated, I was.
I didn't get a lot of pictures taken at the FO and MrGart was also busy getting his stuff. We went over to Jalan Dago, after covering Jalan SetiaBudhi and did more FO hoppings.
The first half of the next day was spent at the Pasar Baru. I simply bought about 10 sets of kain batik/kurung with no kerawang, 4 sets of my sutera batik, 10 kain pelekants, telekungs for the girls, and about 5 different adult telekungs. Tercabar mindaku. Very cheap, I think. We had ikan garupa grilled and I thought that was really really nice. MrGart had too mumch time on his hands and snapped plenty of pictures. I, on the other hand was busy who to buy what for.
All in all I was a happy woman. I got all my stuff that I wanted. My regrets were I didn't have enough time to adequately cover ALL store. I din't buy a lot of stuff for the kids. Just enough to pujuk them since we left them in the care of my mother.
Food stuff in Bandung wasn't my favourite. We had nasi padang for the 2 nights we were there. Not exactly my thing. I ordered Jus Alpokat i.e. avocado juice, blended with cream and dunno what else. Very the creamy. I remembered mama24beas has a penchant for that drink.
I think we'll go away once we run out of clothes to wear.
4 growls by fellow growlers ...:
somehow i read the last line as we ran without our clothes *horrorified!*
LOL on mosh!
wah shopping sakan.. now I know who should I get an advice kalau ada rezeki sampai sana...
MOSH !! screw was supposed to say that!! hahahahahahah .. hilarious though. especially horrorified !!!
mamarawks .. i'm keeping that email just in case I get asked. u shud try .. it's really cheap.
gart... pointers pls...
- where do you stay?
- if just going around FOs, require supir jugak ke?
- is royal dago hotel recommended?
- any tips for first timers? our agenda is only shopping... so we wont be going to safarai or tangkuban perabu etc
muah muah,, tq!
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