Me Me

Monday, August 4, 2008

Saw this on Mosh and many of the blogs I frequently dah lama dah. But never thought to do it. But since I'm pretty bored now that I've finished my last ever bill, I thought I'd rejoice and do this. If Mosh did it, this could be fun.

Here goes.

  1. 1st time naik kapal terbang (first time riding a plane)
  2. In 1991, flying toUK, headed for Peterborough for my college with 7 other wild-eyed teenagers eager for new beginnings. Yee haaa!!

  3. 1st time beranak (First delivery)
  4. 9th January 1998. A very long and exciting day (and night). Thank God for epidural.

  5. 1st time gi overseas
  6. Singapore kira ke ? If it is, then when I was 10.

  7. 1st time duduk jauh drp family (First time staying away from family)
  8. Form 4 at the infamous Seri Puteri. For exactly 9 days. Then we (me and twin, Nobita) packed our bags, bade farewell and came home. He he he. Boarding schools ain't our thing, I guess.

  9. 1st time kerja (First time working)
  10. While waiting for the SPM results, me and Nobita and a friend somehow got a job at McD. Great company, great friends, great experience. I burned my hand making the filet and from then onwards I was put for counter tasks, pandai merapu la katakan. Nobita once had a toddler peed on her counter while she was taking orders. Yikes!

  11. 1st time rasa diri gemuk (First time feeling that I'm fat)
  12. Who you're cally fat? Me? No way.

  13. 1st time bercinta? (First time in love)
  14. Like Mosh. Do falling in love with teachers count? If it does, then mines uncountable. Many times but never one to rival my trur love. *cover line balik*

  15. 1st time rasa diri cantik?? (First time I think that I'm beautiful)
  16. All the time. Never one to sell myself short!

  17. 1st time masuk cinema (First time going into a cinema)
  18. Sharks the Movie. In primary school, obviously.

  19. 1st time admitted in hospital
  20. 9th January 1998, awaiting the birth of my little princess, who's now very tall and rather long too.

    There! Guess no point to tag anyone since this meme is wayy past its expiry date.

9 growls by fellow growlers ...:

Anonymous said...

bila baca no. 7 tu, i thought first time bercinta dengan mosh hehe

mosh said...

if the first time with me, we would be very deprived people ehehehe. i must've known gart when i was 25 camtu kan gart?

9 days only? you'd be one of those people that we would really kutuk tak bagi can as spoilt brats :p

Gartblue said...

screw ... ewwww .. helllooowwwwww .. but then again, mosh IS a cutesy, hensem-my bloke .. i take that back! watch out world, mosh is going kembang semangkuk!!
p/s amboi sejak dua menjak berkeseorangan di bandar singa ni, rajin sungguh melawat blog aku yang tak seberapa ni ye ...

mosh .. yup, you were 25 and I was and still am 24. ha ha ha ..
oyyy ... i ain't no spoiled brats .. I left in rebellion cos my dad refused to send to the mrsm where there are boys aplenty. so, either i go to mrsm or we go back to cbn to ogle at the bebudak vi. ha ha ha .. sungguh memalukan. hope none of mine ever follows my footsteps ..

Anonymous said...

me lonely, me so horny haha..

minggu free, supervisor on 2 weeks vacation balik france. weehee

Gartblue said...

errr the lonely part, me can suggest you write and write and write. the horny part .. ehhh .. sendiri bikin la .. *lariiiiii*

Anonymous said...

sendiri bikin, with all the hot chicks in singapore? rugi rugi haha

ceh kena block from geng2 budak nakal..

mosh said...

*kembang 2 mangkuk*

ooo like that one. if being refused to go to another boarding school was the reason, then "forgiveable" :p

Anonymous said...

sangat setuju ngan no 8 tuh! haha

Gartblue said...

saya lah ..

YEAHHHH!!! Betul tu ..
*singing lagu Christine Aguilera*

We are beautiful