Roti Dua !

Monday, November 17, 2008

Traditional Challah is a family of Brioche i.e. very rich bread with butter and eggs. Mine were supposed to have braids but they puffed up so much, the braids were gone.

7 growls by fellow growlers ...:

Anonymous said...

ko balas dendam eh, sekali posting 3 terus

Gartblue said...

ha ha ha ... tu la .. last week mojo takde .. now it's back, with full force ..

Anonymous said...

mojo either austin powers amik or tengah lawan buttercup, bubbles and blossom

sekali sekala buat joke bengong haha

butterflutter said...

I might ask a breadmaker for my coming birthday eh.

If only boleh dapat bau pun cukuplah...*sigh

Gartblue said...

screw .. bangang? hmmm betul tu!

butterflutter .. i thought I wanted a breadmaker too but a google seacrh later made me realised that a sturdy mixer is all I need. So, I'm sticking by my KitchenAid .. ha ha .. but it would be nice to throq stuff in and have a bread freshly made by the time you come down the stairs. kan?

Anonymous said...

eh harlo!!

blog title ni nama dia Roti Dua. Cerita lah pasal Roti Dua. Apa citer pasal Austin power plak ni.

Walau macam mana pun, terima kasih la ingat kat Che Na. Jangan ingat Che Na tang lengut roti tu dah ler.

mosh said...

can i have a breadmaker for my birthday also? the one that is curvy, sassy, dressed only in aprons and with long curly black hair? blonde's fine too.