Hajj Beckons

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I pray for Elisa, Jeni, Suriati and scores of friends and fellow brothers and sisters who are at Makkah for Hajj during these momentous days ahead.

It does something to one's heart watching the sea of people in white circling the Kaa'bah and it beckons to me.

Insyallah, my time will come with Allah's will. I hope it's sooner rather than later.


4 growls by fellow growlers ...:

Anonymous said...

Spoke wih Kak Lisa for a bit yesterday. Dia sihat. alhamdulillah.


nae said...


BeeLOVE said...

gartgurl, nak tanya (jauhnye menyimpang from topic) kat mane nak beli alat2 dan bahan bakery yg murah kat m'sia ni. cam mahal jer

elisataufik said...

Insya-Allah, your time will surely come. Dah ada niat dalam hati tu, for sure nanti Allah berikan ruang, kesempatan dan kemampuan.
Robbi Yasser, wa la tu asser.