Jalan Jalan Cari Gas

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Ish! Dah naik bersarang dah blog aku ni. Lama eh tak update. Bukannya apa, saje je nak letak gambar Anuar Z@in kat top page. Bagi roti nyampah sikit je lagi ... hehehe

Anyhow. Am going for a overnight to Kerteh to the place where you see the gas flares on top of those structures. With a bunch of colleagues, fun ones may I add.


Am so looking forward to this. We're doing the pool this afternoon. Mosh is planning for a skinnydipping session at midnight and I'm so locking myself in the room. Bukannya apa. Takut my innocence kena zap!


5 growls by fellow growlers ...:

Anonymous said...

fuiyo jaki nya jaki nya. Lari oi lari! ada whale nak masuk kolam!

Must bribe Pinkman to snap photos of you.

Mommy Ummar said...


babe, i tot i read "jalan-jalan keluar gas"


Mosh skinnydipping? biar betoi. lari (?) ikan2 nnti

Mommy Ummar said...

oh another note.
mau kah dikau bertukar pautan web bisnes mu itu dengan ku.
jika sudi katakan sudi, berikan daku html code banner sassy mu itu

mosh said...

I had to hide in the room and locked the door to prevent gart from dragging me at midnight... isk sungguh tak ku sangka!

Anonymous said...

takut kena drag, or takut she jumped on you?