Lil"Garties Up and Personal

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

These were taken last weekend. Tapi tak cukup sorang i.e. the Lil'Garty1, sebab she's gotten quite concious now about her pictures being taken, sbb takut x cun. *nyampah*

This was the 3rd try to snap Ariz's picture, but he kept shoving his much-begged and whined "Missing Link" toy. So, just imagine how he looks la. BTW, Ariz & Adani's pictures were taken while we waited outside Sogo, tunggu pintu bukak since it was barely 10am. Tak pernah-pernah tunggu pintu bukak, macamla nak shopping sangat.

Since Aliya & Asha were toting bags into the ESQ seminar, Adani would not wanna be left out. Posing!

Ayisha on 2nd day, before she went it. She's so skinny these days, aduhhh! Aliya ran away, refusing for her picture to be taken. Hmmpph!

2 growls by fellow growlers ...:

zan said...

wahh bestnya dpt pergi ESQ..

did the kids show any changes?

Gartblue said...

zan .. aisey .. baru 2 hari .. tapi subuh and isyak sembhayang tanpa disuruh. alhamdulillah!